Itsuka no Kimi e Part 1Following in the footsteps of Boys Love and Sukitomo, Saito Takumi of Prince of Tennis Musical fame returns with another film about the ambiguities of friendship, brotherhood, and love. While his previous two films co-starred Kotani Yoshikazu and Aiba Hiroki, this time Saito Takumi, moving down the list of Prince of Tennis Musical graduates, teams up with Kawai Ryunosuke for director Horie Kei's Itsuka no Kimi e - Zutto Soba Ni Itehoshi. Fans can look forward to double the Takumi as he stars as twin brothers Noboru and Ryu. Older brother Noboru is a quiet and introverted photography student, while younger brother Ryu is energetic and outgoing. Noboru attracts the curiosity of classmate Kouhei (Kawai Ryunosuke), whose friendship with the brothers brings changes into their lives and relationships. -YesAsia