was bored so put the vid in the song is great i cant wait till she bring album out TIGARAH is best! plus i did this in about 5mins i know qulaity and vid is bad but i was lazy
Reina Tanaka Dokyu 182 . Continue with Dokyu 183 . Earlier ride from Fujiyama (roller-coaster) she scared , now ride the Dodonpa (high-accelerating coaster) she extra scared now . Cant help her self now . As she feel its "suck" to ride such speed , now she wont enjoy muchas .
This is an animated fly through that I created earlier this year (2006) fun to watch.. Cant wait till my next big render
Check out my other videos here and Check me out at SuperMouseDV.com ... (more) (less)
Maeken Trance Project doing a medly of songs. the well known and insanely catchy Numa Numa Song (the real title i cant remember right now) Chiuaha (sp?) and Bonzai. enjoy this medly along with the comedic cross dresser Ken Maeda and the Ganguro uped Love Boom and please ignore any of my mispelling of anything.
is a gay bar in tokyo. it is tiny, so tiny that everyone just drink on the streets anyway. but there is a line on the ride you cant cross or staff tell you to move into the line.
THE REAL THING! a ball attack ppl. they die. not me best clay may, but me other mations got deleted when me...*SOB* computer crashed! dont be alarmed if you cant understand them. no one can.
i hardly have any videos of my performances mainly because we didnt have a camcorder until a few years back and my folks cant use them :S...but i was lucky to have a few so i create a collage to music from my fav film
Pastor Quinn saves Gay People. It's ok to be GAY, only if 1)you are a Christian, and 2)always in the company of Christians, and 3)not a metrosexual, and 4) dont eat chocolates! Oh yeah and you cant be gay!
Dusty said lets go to the commercial break ...this is it , its an ad for the Obnoxious smell Killer spray. CANT SAY TOO MUCH YOU WILL JUST HAVE TO WATCH THE AD
This is a spoof
Humpty Dumpty is the story of an egg falling off a wall and breaking apart. Once he's fallen he cant be put back together again... as such he seemed a likely poster child for abortions.
(Note: This Video Contains Graphic Footage)