Abilities Expo in Edison, NJ Part IIEvery year at the Abilities Expo in Edison, NJ at the New Jersey Convention Center is always a fun and humbling experience. This is event travels to several states, with many of the country's companies, engineers, entertainers and more that developed and create a better quality of life for people and their families living with a different ability that may require certain assistance. I have covered and shared the experience of capturing and sharing the experience with my partner in purpose, Santina ''STARR'' Muha.
Everyday someone with a different ability requires a long list of
supplies, products, devices and more to live a life challenging a
normal way. TheAbilities Expos are our Disneyland experience. The expos
bring together many friends made online in forums and social groups
throughout the year, thatfinally get to meet in person. Now that I've explained the technical experience, let's explore my personal view.
I have met and made friends that changed my life. Whenever I come to
the expos, I am mad...