GBTV #554 (HD) | SprintCam V3 HD, Drobo Drive Failure & Giveaway, ARAnet ResearchIf you're not a sports fan, you may not come across the SprintCam V3 HD. It captures images at 500 to 1,000 frames per second and is designed to replay them without delay. You know I love my Drobos, but I had yet to experience a real life drive failure with my own data....until now. I take you through what happens with a drive failure if you have a Drobo. I'll be giving another Drobo away on Twitter soon, so don't forget to follow! ARAnet did some research about web advertising and found that out of all the types of advertising online, brand mentions are preferred. You can read that study here. You can save money on domain name registrations and renewals from with discount codes GB1, GB2 and GB3. For an explanation of each code, click here.