Corporate video_ duncsflix_ Prosel Pharma Inc._27th AnniversaryA Duncsflix corporate video for Prosel Pharma Inc. The company's 27th Anniversary night held at the beautiful and remote San Remegio Beach Club, Cebu Island, Philippines. The successful conclusion to their annual sales conference. An evening of fine dinning, cultural dances, presenting of service awards and speeches held beside the beach club sea-pool. Screened during the 28th Anniversary dinner July 2nd 2011. A chance for all the sales managers and staff to see themselves and each other and relive the frivolity and good times of the previous years conference. The video was presented in Standard Definition (SD) and in the 4:3 screen format. This version is in HD and the original screen ratio of 16:9 widescreen format. Introductory music soundtrack by Kit Cotter, an excerpt from "Feel It As One" (pre mix version 5), from the album, Inhabited Worlds, used non exclusively with kind permission, cheers Kit!
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