Eating Healthy Doesn't Have to Break the BankFaced with a roller-coaster stock market and what seems like an unending stream of layoff announcements, most Americans (90 percent) say they're worried about the economy. No big surprise there, but is the uncertain economy affecting the way Americans take care of their health?
According to surveys conducted for health service company CIGNA, about one-third of Americans say yes, the economy has changed the way they take care of themselves. Of those, 55 percent report taking better care of their health by doing things like exercising and eating healthier.
Link to survey results:
"Eating healthy doesn't have to be expensive, and many healthy meals and snacks are quick and easy to prepare," says Kim Hohol, a registered dietitian for CIGNA. Hohol suggests these quick and easy healthy recipes.
Link to recipes:
Produced for CIGNA Corporation