Beyond Treason - William Lewis & Joyce Riley - 2005William Lewis, the director of 911 in Plane Site is after the U.S. government with his latest film Beyond Treason. Beyond Treason focuses into the aftermath of first Gulf war and the fact that American soldiers have been suffering 15 years of post-traumatic stress disorder. Because this explanation doesn't cover all the symptoms that soldiers have had, U.S. Department of Defense's says it's a "mystery disease". The main theme of Beyond Treason is to show what really happened in the Middle-East in early 90's and how the soldiers were exposed to depleted uranium. And like if that hadn't been enough, the same soldiers got untested vaccines. Beyond Treason is a patriotic and critical documentary, that doesn't play guessing games but hits the viewer with cold, hard facts. Besides the theme of Beyond Treason, it tells also the background of dark history of U.S. governments human experiences. Secret documents of this fact has been exposed to public lately. Projects like MKultra and Whitecoat get covered in Beyond Treason - and remember, they are not conspiracy theories but real stuff. Lewis and Riley (spokesperson of American Gulf War Veterans Association) have collected an enormous amount of evidence. Although there are not many people interviewed, there is no use to complain: with DVD, there is also CD-ROM full of real evidence: scanned documents and text that have been the base of this films revealings! A great idea, that gives Beyond Treason even more credibility.
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