Single, jobless, and parenting a son with Asperger'sThis is Elaine Powell and her 8-year-old son, Maxfield. Max has Asperger’s Syndrome.
Elaine, whose nickname is “calla” on, shares her story for the first time on video. She’s a single mom to two kids – her older daughter might have Asperger’s, too – and was laid off from her job at a printing company earlier this year. Hear Elaine talk about her insights - which disciplinary approaches work for her child (and which don’t!), and the hope she has for the future, and her struggles - not having health insurance, how long it took Max to get diagnosed (years, not months!) and her loneliness. Presented by, the online network where you can find and share real-world experiences with others who have been there. Come. Listen. Share.