IMVU Earn 2000 credits per day 2012-2013 by write a feedbackdownload file here:
[ Fixed some minor bugs with software ]
[ Credits take up to 24 hours to prevent detection ]
This hack can add up to 10,000 credits at a time. To ensure that you are not banned it is recommended that you add no more than 50,000 in a 24 hour period. If you do, than your account is more likely to be banned. If you get banned it is not my fault nor will I take responsibility. Use this smart and wisely. Now go have some fun with this and go shop till you drop :)
After Downloading, Extract the ZIP file to anywhere you'd like
Open IMVU Credits Adder.exe
Wait for loading screen
Enter your IMVU LOGIN
Select amount of credits
Click on "ADD CREDITS"
Program will now add credits
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