Earth-Friendly, "Natural Plastics"New products, using plastics made from corn instead of petroleum, made their debut at the 2007 BIO International Convention held in Boston..
The convention drew 20,000 scientists, industry leaders and government officials to see the latest products and discuss progress in efforts to:
* find cures for major diseases,
* find good substitutes for oil-based plastics and fuels,
* and provide disease-resistant, genetically engineered crops and cloned animals to improve food supplies.
To see clips of interviews with experts talking about the new plastics, go to, click on our Biotech Plastics's segment and then download our podcast to see the segment online.
If you are a news station and have access to Pathfire, this story is also available on Pathfire DMG. Click on the binoculars, select advanced search tab, highlight DWJ archive, and use keywords: Biotech Plastics.
This segment is underwritten by the Biotechnology Industry Organization.