The Churches, Episode 6: “The Nature of The LORD’s Coming”In Episode 6, we really get into it. Studying the “Coming Forth” and the “Coming Unto”, both stages of His Coming
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The Revelation Series: Section 1: The Churches is an examination of the "churches" of Revelation 2 and 3 and that in fact they are NOT the Body of Christ. But future assemblies of Jewish believers that will be HERE after The Harpazo, after the Church has been “caught up to meet The LORD in the air”. The letters to these assemblies, when read carefully, differ immensely from the Pauline epistles. The Revelation Epistles are addressed to servants and speak of works and judgment, while the Pauline Epistles are addressed to SONS and Daughters and speak of our standing IN Christ, as His Body, by GRACE. And it was to PAUL, not the 12 Apostles that the Mystery was shown and explained.
The Revelation Series is a new multi-episode series from The Lion and Lamb Ministry