Genesis 16-17
Read Genesis 16 (Hagar and Ishmael)
Sarai had been barren her whole life, was now 75, and it had been 10 years since God had made His promise. What would you do?
What was Sarai's solution to their problem? (16:2) In what ways was this a problem?
Do you see this being morally comparable to any modern reproductive technologies? Why/not?
What did Sarai mean about the Lord judging in 16:5?
What can we tell about the Angel of the Lord in 16:7ff? What does this tell us about God's relationship to gentiles?
Have you ever had to wait a long time for God to fulfill a promise or meet a need?
Has God shown His presence recently in your life? If so, based on how He did, what might you name that place?
Read Genesis 17 (Covenant of Circumcision)
What did God mean by "be blameless" in 17:1?
What does the change of name for Abram/Abraham and Sarai/Sarah mean?
Why circumcision? (17:9-14) Is this works righteousness? ... Distributed by Tubemogul.