Flee for SafetyA people with compassion who realize love and mercy are greater than the law and that they can't force anyone to believe as they do. A people who realize they need a spiritual covering and who desire fellowship with a family of genuine disciples. A people humble enough to admit they need God's help and guidance, realizing they don't know it all and they don't have all the answers. A people who believe God always has their good in mind and that all things work together for good for those who love and obey Jesus. A people who believe God still speaks to His people and that God's Word, both written and spoken, holds the answers to all our questions. A people who know that God desires to dwell in their midst, filling them with His Holy Spirit and bestowing Spiritual gifts upon them. A people who live by the moral laws of God, believing their bodies are the temple of God and should be respected as such. A people who believe in the virtue and value of hard work. A people willing to submit and subordinate their desires, dreams, and ambitions to God, letting their lives be used to accomplish His will. A people with enough faith to abandon everything and come follow Jesus wheresoever He leads, trusting Him in all things. A people who know Satan and demons are real and that the kingdom of Hell is organized, militant, and determined to destroy God's people. A people who know they are soldiers in God's army and that they are part of a war machine engaged in conflict with the forces of evil. A people willing to stand at their post of duty, endure hardness as soldiers under command, and take orders for the sake of God's Kingdom. A people who are non-violent in the physical, not needing carnal weapons, for God is their defense. A people willing to stand valiantly and contend courageously for the truths God has given them, even if it means sacrifice and persecution. A people dedicated to the mission of taking the