Amazon Herbs 4 atheletes....Natural Ergogenic AidsThe Efficacy and Safety of Three Amazonian Botanical Blends as Ergogenic Aids
in Middle-Aged Cyclists
Bryan T McConnell
Kimbal Cooper
Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine
This research gives credence to either single botanicals or combinations thereof demonstrating
ergogenic effects upon power output in fit middle-aged cyclists. Interest in the consumption of
plants may extend beyond that of ergogenicity to benefiting disease states. While it is difficult to
ascertain ergogenic specificity with research involving many botanicals, we can conclude
combinations of botanicals are beneficial. Given the multiplicic nature of performance
enhancement, i.e., improving mineral status, benefiting mental focus and acuity, decreasing pain
and inflammation, and possibly affecting hormones, a multifaceted approach may be desirable.
A ceiling effect was observed with quality of life (SF-36) and serum markers utilized (CRP,
ESR). Our subject population are among the very fit category of club cyclists, and as ... Distributed by Tubemogul.