Descubre las enseñanzas de NEVILLE GODDARD, un gran autor y místico del Nuevo Pensamiento que escribió sobre la Biblia y el esoterismo. Se le considera uno de los pioneros de la "LEY DE LA ASUNCIÓN".
Discover the teachings of NEVILLE GODDARD, a New Thought author and mystic who wrote on the Bible and esotericism. He is considered one of the pioneers of the “LAW OF ASSUMPTION"
Discover the teachings of NEVILLE GODDARD, a New Thought author and mystic who wrote on the Bible and esotericism. He is considered one of the pioneers of the “LAW OF ASSUMPTION"
Based upon the 1st episode of the TONTON LACHANCE comics series published in Vaillant Magazine in 1961. Texts & art by Christian GODARD, directed by E. METAIN.
Based upon the comics short story UN MORAL À TOUT CASSER, a TEDDY PANTHERE adventure published in Vaillant Magazine in 1958. Texts & art Christian GODARD, directed by E. METAIN.