I am stylin' at the 2010 New York Comic ConSponsored by StylinOnline - 200,000 pop culture t-shirts in-stock & in your size: http://StylinOnline.com.
The New York Comic Con is the East coast's largest pop culture convention for fans of everything: comics, graphic novels, anime, video games, toys, movies, television. Fans look forward to meeting the people who bring them their favorites, and the celebrities look to meet the fan that keep them gainfully employed. In between, the studios release new games, new movies, and new shows with some well-placed teasers of what's to come.
KP travels to the Big Apple with a song in his heart and a pocket full of video tape to see what the NYCC has to offer fans, and how this convention compares to the rest of our stylin' adventures this year.
To learn more about the NYCC visit http://www.newyorkcomiccon.com.
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