The First Step in Dealing with Fear, is Acknowledging it is There
Day 11 of the 39 Day Challenge. The one thing that affects every part of our life.
What is one thing that is always there? Always present in everything we do?
It affects our relationships, our business, our personal lives and our success.
I am talking about... fear.
Fear manifests itself in many different ways. It can show up as forgetfulness, apathy, not following through, etc.
It can present itself as a physical symptom, or as an emotion. It can show up psychologically or relationally.
The way to deal with fear is first acknowledging it is there. Understanding that fear will do anything to get in our way, to keep us from what we really want. It is sneaky, tricky and manipulative. It will disguise itself, persist and never stop until it gets what it wants - control over us.
Just admiting that it is there and understanding that we have to deal with it is the way to begin handling it and getting out of the way.
If you are feeling fear - fear of losing your job, of taking the step into your own business, of investing in your own future, of taking a stand for yourself - then visit me at I can coach you through the process of dealing with fear.