David Wolfe: THE VIBRATION OF FOOD, SELF LOVE, SEX & COCONUT OILHolistic health expert and Bodylove founder Ingrid Arna, interviews author and nutrition guru David Wolfe about food, mood, anti-ageing, the energy of love, the pleasure and health benefits of eating as a self love ritual, coconut oil for lots of yummy and sexy uses and his LONGEVITY NOW program. Ingrid is on a mission to empower women to get off poisonous diets forever by learning how to nourish the body with healing food to create rocking health and happiness. In this dynamic conversation, David presents powerful nutritional information so you can live the best life ever. Be sure to watch the FEEL GOOD SHOW weekly at www.mybodyloveblog.com
This is part two of THE FEEL GOOD Show series. Check out Part One Here: http://bit.ly/g5G2mo
Find out more about David Wolfeâs Australian tour at: http://bit.ly/1uQPCH
FREE: Get a FREE health history today by emailing, limited time until end of MARCH 2011. Ingrid@mybodylove.com
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