Social Network Marketing Site Secrets You hear a huge amount of buzz online in the MLM community about social network marketing and incorporating and being on various social networks to get leads and traffic for your business from. But what are the best ones, and where should you first make your forray into this whole world of social network marketing.
Here is a quick video on the real answer to being involved in social media:
Video coming soon.
So, yes, go where your prospects are in social networking sites. Honestly, when you are getting started, and even further on down the line, donât even try to get involved in too many and it will be just a enormous time drain for you.
So really, like was in the video, Social network marketing sites like,, and are the ones to get involved in, since all of them are in the top 20 most visited sites on the internet. Iâll even throw in as a site to be involved in as well. While its a video hosting and sharing site, ...