Free Training: How to market your mlm online
Hello and Welcome! My name is Alan Combies. I am an internet marketer, entrepreneur, musician, surfer, philosopher...even a bartender! I love everything that I do, and that is the key my friends...LOVE WHAT YOU DO!
As a drummer in Southern California I have always been looking for ways to create an income from the comfort of my own home so that I would not be confined to an office or forced to be on a boss's schedule. I want to be in control of my own time and money.
About 4 years ago I picked up a book by Tony Robbins called Unlimited Power. This book was one of the catalysts that got my life moving again. Once I realized what I wanted out of life I began a journey of education and self discovery.
On the way I joined a network marketing company that changed my life. Although I grew tremendously in the 3 years that I was with the company and I totally believed in our products and the business model, I still found myself broke, and depressed!
Because I as spending ...