Southwestern U.S. travelogue flies around in modern 1930s airplanes, stopping off at Albuquerque and an Arizona dude ranch, all the time focusing on fashions worn by its cargo of aspiring Paramount starlets. Excellent pre-World War II fashion footage in Kodachrome, plus documentation of affluent tourist destinations. Produced and directed by Harry D. Donahue. With Mary Martin.
I got gaybashed on monday, wasn't too fun.
Also, an update on my summer, and an announcement about expanding my horizons, in terms of VLogging. I know it isnt that interesting, but what the hey.
The teaser for the elusive movie PIB, that never got made. The movie might still be made, but the company recently decided to explore other horizons. Meanwhile, viewers have the pleasure to see one of the biggest Air Raleys.. . EVER.