Alex Jones - Tech Guy and the Asshole (last panel in)If you've never had the experience of sharing a few beers with Alex Jones (no, not *that* Alex Jones), you're missing out on a great experience.
Alex Jones talks nonstop and 90% of what he says is very, very worthwhile. He's a complete master of the Austin Tech scene and has complete devotion to the Refresh cause.
We met over beers at the new Gingerman in the 4th Street district of Austin. The idea? Run a web contest to pick the last panel at SXSW. My idea? Eliminate an idea a week for the last ten weeks until only two panel suggestions are left standing, a la American Idol or So you think you can Dance?
The leadership coterie of Refresh pulled together a brilliant gameplan for last panel in at SXSW, consisting of @pat_ramsey, @baldman, @markphillip and @? (I couldn't read his scrawl in my daytimer).
I told Alex he should podcast but he said he's such a perfectionist he would end up spending big bucks on gear. But he'd make a great one, because the man has ideas and man can he talk.