これはbeatmania IIDX 17 SIRIUSのPARALLEL ROTATION ONE MORE EXTRA STAGEに登場したAlmagestに匹敵する速さで、しかもあと2つ足せば初代DDRで最難関として君臨したPARANOiAと並ぶ速さです。
This is a sample of my videography work. It includes shots from 'Severin', 'I Ate a Vegan', 'Behind the Scenes for the Last Chapter', 'Just One', 'Pogonotrohy' and 'Beatmania IIDX'
Beatmania IIDX fans, prepare to say farewell to the PS2. Beatmania IIDX 16: Empress + Premium Best for the Playstation 2, released by Konami on October 15th 2009, exclusively to Japan.