Jawbone Shrikage & Dentures by Dr. David Shannon, Cosmetic Dentist, Northridge, CAhttp://dentistnorthridgeca.com In this video, Dr. David Shannon, cosmetic dentist in Northridge, CA., discusses missing teeth replacements. Missing teeth that are not replaced results in a consequential loss of bone. Bone shrinkage leads to an eventual collapse of the facial structure which causes the appearance of premature aging. Missing teeth and even ill fitting dentures can be replaced and stabilized with the placement of dental implants. Dental implants prevent bone loss, improves facial appearance, and allows for more natural speech, and easier biting and chewing. For more videos visit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCA3grBl_ag Dr. Shannon also serves the following cities: Northridge, Chatsworth, Encino, West Hills, Canoga Park, Reseda, Tarzana and Woodland Hills