Genesis 1:1-2:3Read Genesis 1:1-2:3
What did God create out of, and what tool did He use?
'The heavens and the earth?' What about everything else?
Did God create 'The heavens and the earth' before or after the first day?
Which Person(s) of the Trinity were involved in creation? (cf. John 1:1-2)
Notice the Spirit's connection with water. Where else does the Bible show water imagery with the Spirit of God?
There are many different views of the timeframes and processes involved here. Which do you hold to, and why? (Young Earth creationism, Old Earth creationism, Gap creationism, Day-Age creationism, Progressive creationism, Intelligent design, Theistic Evolution, Functional Creationism)
What is missing from the seventh day that the others had? What is the significance? How do you understand God resting? (cf. Hebrews 4:3-16)
What do we learn from the order that God created?
1:26 uses a plural. Why?
What is the image of God?
Does 1:29-30 imply that everyone and everything was a vegetarian in the beginning?
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