Please visit Steve Imanuel page on facebook for the latest prophecies & live videos. You can also visit our group on facebook - "The Earth is Splitting Apart".
Archangel RThe latest updated lives & prophecies are being posted on Steve Imanuel page. Also visit our group on facebook - "The Earth is Splitting Apart".
Visit our groups on facebook - "The Earth is Splitting Apart", "Last Days on Earth"...visit the Messenger's profile pages to view his live videos on facebook. His pages are Seraphim Samuel, Steve Imanuel, Archangel Abbadiel, Archangel Raphael.
Teachings on the Ancient Truth of ELOHIM by Archangel Abbadiel / Seraphim Samuel the 5th. You can visit his pages on facebook - Seraphim Samuel, Archangel Abbadiel, Archangel Raphael & Steve Imanuel.