Brook Babbling Beneath the Ice- Noon 90120aThis series of vidoes was shot on a frozen creek in Indianapolis. The biggest challenge was getting enough recording time without "city sounds" interfering. It was quite cold too... this was the artistic equivalent of ice fishing!
The best use of these is to set them to loop and just relax to the sight and sound. Indeed, such was my intent when I shot them. My disabled wife just loads them up on her computer and has WMP play them over and over. I shot them just a few yards from her sick bed, but she's not stable enough on her feet to negotiate the ice, rocks, and snow to get there, so I brought the creek to her to soothe her.
I hope you find them soothing as well!
Same place as the night vids but at noon.
The camera was a simple Aiptek camcorder set to macro. For the night shots, I used the built in LED light. I mounted the camera on a tripod, and myself on a rug on the ice to keep from freezing (it didn't help much.)