1952 Democratic Presidential Candidate Democrat TV InterviewIn this episode of “Chronoscope,” Robert S. Kerr, senator from Oklahoma, speaks about his campaign for the democratic presidential nomination. Calling himself a “liberal Jeffersonian democrat,” he maintains some distance from Truman by saying he is against socialized medicine. He proves his fiscal responsibility by talking about how as governor of Oklahoma he changed a large deficit into a surplus. Kerr stated that he neither wanted to support a so-called “Welfare State,” nor did he want to abolish such popular programs as Social Security and unemployment insurance.Huey asked him if he was afraid, that the two parties might somehow nominate the same man, probably meaning Eisenhower, but Kerr denied this as a possibility, saying that any man who wanted to carry the Republican banner would have to do it himself. See the full length: www.qualityinformationpublishers.com