a walk to remember - here in your armsalright so this is my first video, and my first time using sony vegas so be gentle... Hmm I never really expected to make a video on this movie nor did I expect to make a video to this song haha... so heres a little history lesson you can skip this if you don't like reading much.... basically I made a promise that if I ever got a new computer that was powerful enough to do video editing I would make a tribute to the movie: a walk to remember which when I watched it the first time I couldn't stop laughing at how bad it was lol oh well... haha well here we are... I ended up getting a VERY powerful computer and it was able to make it through the video making process unscathed..... so I suppose that is my justification for the creation of this monstrosity... movie: a walk to remember song: here (in your arms)- hellogoodbye software used: sony vegas 8.0 Enjoy!
This is the rough draft I just wanted to get it posted asap...