Luca is 11 weeks old and struggling with wind pain only at night.
He is getting relief from Traditional Japanese Acupuncture for 24 hours, short respite for his sleep deprived parents. presenta a Dj Sann... (más)
Añadido: 28 de febrero de 2008 presenta a Dj Sanny J & Luca Zeta en su visita a Girona (España) a discoteca Millennium el pasado 23.02.08 en su TOUR SPAGNA 08, las imágenes y el video han sido filmadas y editadas por francisco bustos de Italian Vocals. Un agradecimiento especial para Abel Almena
Luca Zeta nos presenta su nuevo éxito "Over the Clouds" cantada en Disco
Millennium el 23.02.08, las imágenes y el video han sido filmados y editados
por francisco bustos de
Luca Zeta ci presenta il suo nuovo successo "Over the Clouds" cantata in
Disco Millennium il 23.02.08, le immagini e il video sono stati filmati e
editati da francisco bustos di
Luca Zeta is presenting his latest hit "Over the Clouds" sung at Disco
Millennium on 23.02.08, the images and video have been filmed and edited by
francisco bustos of
The story of a very special acting company.
Claudio, Angelo, Michele and Giovanni play in theatres around Europe “Waiting for Godot” of S. Beckett. Finalist in International festivals.
Cast: Acting company Din Don Down
By Luca Immesi and Giulia Brazzale (aka esperimentocinema)
Luca Scantamburlo : The Return of Planet X
Luca Scantamburlo, an Italian journalist of tremendous heart and intelligence, is a courageous and independent UFO researcher who took it upon himself to publicize the events surrounding a fellow-Italian, Cristoforo Barbato, a few years ago.
Luca Scantamburlo : The Return of Planet X
Luca Scantamburlo, an Italian journalist of tremendous heart and intelligence, is a courageous and independent UFO researcher who took it upon himself to publicize the events surrounding a fellow-Italian, Cristoforo Barbato, a few years ago.
The story of a very special acting company.
Claudio, Angelo, Michele and Giovanni play in theatres around Europe “Waiting for Godot” of S. Beckett. Finalist in International festivals.
Cast: Acting company Din Don Down
By Luca Immesi and Giulia Brazzale (aka esperimentocinema)
The story of a very special acting company. Claudio, Angelo, Michele and Giovanni play in theatres around Europe “Waiting for Godot” of S. Beckett. Finalist in International festivals. Cast: Acting company Din Don Down By Luca Immesi and Giulia Brazzale (aka esperimentocinema)
The story of a very special acting company.
Claudio, Angelo, Michele and Giovanni play in theatres around Europe “Waiting for Godot” of S. Beckett. Finalist in International festivals.
Cast: Acting company Din Don Down
By Luca Immesi and Giulia Brazzale (aka esperimentocinema)
matera 02 marzo 2008- La Ducati presenta la nuova 1098 R. Alla presentazione mondiale c'erano: Serafino Foti, Paolo Casoli, Luca Sacco, cons. Nicola Trombetta, Domenico Colucci, Roberts Brendah.
The story of a very special acting company.
Claudio, Angelo, Michele and Giovanni play in theatres around Europe “Waiting for Godot” of S. Beckett.
Cast: Acting company Din Don Down
By Luca Immesi and Giulia Brazzale (aka esperimentocinema)
Live from the red carpet, from the movie premiere !!!
There was a big show with the actors of the theater show (WinxPowerShow), and there were also VIP's like the Boss of Ferrari: Luca di Montezemolo and his family and many others !!!!
Seymour's Aeon (though you gain gain him as one of your main Aeons later, only if you collected all the treasure in the temples).This is durig the attack in Luca. He's extremely powerful though how you can attack with your eye,making it bleed I'll never know!
For the latest trailers, celebrity interviews and clips go to!!!
Lymari Nadal came out to the premiere of American Gangster. She plays Frank Luca's (Denzel Washington's wife Eva.
Speed dating "6 single x sei SINGLE" a Roma, in tv, con intervista a Marco Luca Greppi.
Speed dating event in Rome (Italy), broadcasted on italian tv channel and interview to Marco Luca Greppi, founder.
Capodanno 2007 a Verona. Casa di Sofia, Martino, Luca, Chiara, Francesca e Filippo. Partecipano Giorgio (io..^_^), Sabrina, Marco, Pilly, Enry, Ale, Manu, Camilla.
Luca, o livro do escritor Francisco Formigli, fala da expontânea paixão homo adolescente e esta obra foi uma das selecionadas para receber o importante Prêmio Brasken em Salvador, Bahia. Nesta entrevista ao Portal Marccelus o autor nos fala desta ficção que é baseada numa história real e se passa na década de setenta. Não se trata, segundo Formigli, de um livro dirigido apenas aos homossexuais, mas a todas as pessoas que tenham a capacidade de questionar valôres morais que reprime e massacra os diferentes sexuais.
Sabrina Salerno Interview in italian tv show "La Vitta in Diretta" in this interview she talk about her carrier and her life. Her son Luca Maria appear too.So Cute!! 2005