App Store Review - MLB at BatSometimes a sports fan just can't be at the game or get to a TV to watch their favorite team. It's a hard fact of life for any sports fans, but now baseball aficionados who own iPhones have a solution with MLB.Com At Bat. This $2.99 app delivers play by play updates of every active pro ball game. A simple animated screen will show you pitch by pitch updates, with details about pitch type, speed, location, and real time box scores for all the stats nuts. When the game ends, MLB.Com At Bat delivers streaming video highlights encoded specially for your iphone's Edge, 3G, or WiFi connection. No matter how far away you are from your favorite ballpark, sports bar, or living room plasma screen, you’ll ever miss a pitch again with MLB.Com At Bat. I'm Marc Gittleman from Hard Drive 911 Data Recovery for TekieTV.Com. Keep watching for answers and updates on all your science and technology needs. Distributed by Tubemogul.