DISCLAIMER: All the music does not belong to me, the music I used goes to the rightful owner whom is Myuu The image belongs Disney, so all credits goes to them. All I own is my intro and outro
BFL Yung Marv drops his new music video Kill Switch. Grab B.F.L. Yung Marv @bfl_yung_marv new single SAFE NO MORE featuring #Jadakiss @therealkiss + #kevinmccall @kevinmccalljr Produced by Duane DaRock @duanedarock on @applemusic.
Source: https://youtu.be/snj922QbPUE
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he third season aired from April 7 to September 29, 2018. The fourth season is currently in production, and premiered on October 12, 2019. The series uses twelve different pieces of theme music: six opening themes and six ending themes.
he third season aired from April 7 to September 29, 2018. The fourth season is currently in production, and premiered on October 12, 2019. The series uses twelve different pieces of theme music: six opening themes and six ending themes.
The third season aired from April 7 to September 29, 2018. The fourth season is currently in production, and premiered on October 12, 2019. The series uses twelve different pieces of theme music: six opening themes and six ending themes.
The third season aired from April 7 to September 29, 2018. The fourth season is currently in production, and premiered on October 12, 2019. The series uses twelve different pieces of theme music: six opening themes and six ending themes.
Never free from Misery is a is a single release Official Gothic Doom Metal music video by Kaiser
Track: Never free from Misery
Artist: Kaiser
Genre: Gothic Doom Metal, Gothic Metal, Gothic Rock
Download free stuff by Kaiser:
From the day of birth
We where already doomed
Live has nothing to offer
Only misery and pain
There is no salvation found
In the worship of idols you call god
Until the final hour strikes
There is no escape from doom
No longer shall I beat this dead horse
The end is so far in sight
Life is so cruel
All you love will die
Live shows no mercy
And death is your only end to pain
Never free from misery
I need not live for this
The one wish that can never come true
A life on this earth free from doom
The misfortune that we suffer
The disappointment is always the same
When it dawns that we’ll never be free
And life's frozen dagger twisting in our hearts
There is no escaping this fate
No matter how hard you try
All dreams that I have once possessed
Have faded to nothingness
Life is so cruel
All you love will die
Live shows no mercy
And death is your only end to pain
Never free from misery
I need not live for this
The one wish that can never come true
A life on this earth free from doom
Till the day of death
Gloom is ever present
Life has taken everything from me
All that’s given was taken away
And any given paths explored
Are doomed to fail from the very start
And everyone I have ever loved
One by one is being taken away from me
For this I need not to exist
May the end set me free
Life is so cruel
All you love will die
Live shows no mercy
And death is your only end to pain
Never free from misery
I need not live for this
The one wish that can never come true
A life on this earth free from doom
Why is there something instead of nothing
And why must it be so cruel
Glimpses of bliss found in life
At the cost of great suffering and sadness
Since distant ancient times
The world has always been a sad place
To ever hope for anything more
Is sure to disappoint
White and Frozen World is A Gothic Doom Metal track of Kaisers 2012 Album White and Frozen World.
Track: White and Frozen World
Artist: Kaiser
Genre: Gothic Doom Metal, Gothic Metal, Gothic Rock
Download free stuff by Kaiser:
White and frozen world
Wide spans the snow and the ice
and a white flower grows in the frost-giants garden
Blooming in the cold of ice
This tale of which I speak is an ancient one
Ancient are its lands and ancients are its ways
As I walk this land of ice a single candle lights the way
Frozen world
Freezing Days and freezing nights
White and frozen world
Wide spans the snow and the ice
and a white flower grows in the frost-giants garden
Blooming in the cold of ice
A world covered in ice and its frozen lands
Ice hangs from the trees and snow covers the planes
As I walk this way snow falls from an icy sky
Now as then all was frozen ice
and a white flower grows in the frost-giants garden
Glaubst du an Dämonen is a official Symphonic Black Metal video track of Kaisers 2009 Album Aufstieg der Dämonen.
Track: Glaubst du an Dämonen
Artist: Kaiser
Genre: Symphonic Black Metal, Gothic Black Metal, Black Metal
Download free stuff by Kaiser:
Sie lauern in den Wälder
Sie warten in den Schatten der Finsternis
Sie warten in dem Keller
Sie knarren in der Nacht in der Winde und in deinem Schrank
Sie reinigen die Welt von Dreck und Lügen
Sie schauen dir ins Gesicht wenn du schläfst
Sie sind hier denn es ist die Zeit Der Ernte
Sie fletschen ihre Zähne
Und Gnade kennen sie keine für Lügner und Sünder
Sie sind eure Strafe von der ihr nicht flüchten könnt
Du hast Angst von dem Dunkeln
Du weisst du hast gesündet
Glaubst du an Dämonen
Du weisst ja was in den Abgründen lauert
Sie sind der Hass
Sie sind das Leiden und der Schmerz euer Opfer
Man hat ja Euch so oft gewarnt
Aber da ihr nicht hören wollt müsst ihr fühlen mit Schmerz
Die Stunde hat geschlagen und der letzte Zwick der Geissel ist ab
Du hast Angst von dem Dunkeln
Du weisst du hast gesündet
Glaubst du an Dämonen
Du weisst ja was in den Abgründen lauert
Never free from Misery is a is a single release Official Gothic Doom Metal music video by Kaiser Download free stuff by Kaiser: http://www.das-kaiserreich.net/downloads-free-black-metal-music.php
White and Frozen World is A Gothic Doom Metal track of Kaisers 2012 Album White and Frozen World. Download free stuff by Kaiser: http://www.das-kaiserreich.net/downloads-free-black-metal-music.php
Glaubst du an Dämonen is a official Symphonic Black Metal video track of Kaisers 2009 Album Aufstieg der Dämonen. Download free stuff by Kaiser: http://www.das-kaiserreich.net/downloads-free-black-metal-music.php
Recorded at EditPoint Studios, San Antonio, TX
Music: Val Cronk Audio Engineer: Donnie Meals
Video Production: Arigato Studio/ https://arigatostudio.com/
Illustrator: Maria Gabriela / @tomatoes.lettuce
Animator: Manuel Latouche/ behance.net@manuellatod900
Post Production: Hernan Alviarez/ @sabandija119
Source: https://youtu.be/codbLtIyjmY
Disclaimer: most of the footage has been shot over two years ago and might seem a bit odd here since it predates the whole "tinkering" series.
My Train's A Comin'
Unicorn Heads
(YouTube Audio Library - CC)