This is my second AMV so I hope you like it! If you don't like it ten pleaz pleaz PLEAZ don't leave a bad or mean comment. Other than that ENJOY and tell me what u think!
yay i put it up on Veoh becasue utube isnt working its up but i cant play it (i dunno y) my account on youtube is animepanda94
i dont own the show or song blah blah i only put the clips together kay! ps the song i used was Yuki Moun MAdobe Nite from a CD from the show The melancholy or Haruhi Suzumiya
This is Konoha Idol! you know like american idol only with the people from naruto's leaf village konoha! and from all the other villages!Don't Vote Yet Unless You've senn the other one called Konoha Idol (cont.) Then Vote You have to see all 8 Performances! Thanx You and Enjoy! ^^
This was my first slideshow i ever made. And i can't tell you how much praise i got for this slideshow. It have a lot of views on youtube, and i love how successful it got in a short period of time. Enoy ^^
Song: Take My Hand
Artist: Within Temptation
Anime: Naruto
an amv born from my boredom that includes naruto, elfen lied, fma, sailor moon, pita-ten, one piece, and hellsing. actuallly, i made this over a year ago.
I put together some funny Naruto pics I found into a video b/c this is the first time I'v made a movie. Sorry if you dont like the songs i'm not that good at finding music on the internet
My first Video...
It' s about the couple HinaxNaru and SasuxSaku...
Song: Forever yours
Artist: Sunrise Avenue
Info.: miyuki-chan/miyukiNinja are other usernames of mine at and XD
an amv made by me... it has subs but i don't know way the aren't there...
its with the music of gutto & rita fernandes - importante i hope you like...
some pictures of animes:
ouron high school host club
full metal panic
sister princess
haavenly eyes
naruto shippuden
eureka seven
code gear
akira hoyose
full metal achemist
da capo
ai yori aoshi
melocoly of Suzumiya Haruhi
pita ten
tsubasa chronicles
kindonm hearts
Well what can i say, I wanted to try something a little different, I really like this tune, and was inspired by the story.. Yeah, I know some parts dont relate, but atleast i tried.. Anyway Enjoy watching.. My 3rd AMV more 2 come :P
Song: Klashnekoff - Rest of our lives.