Hayen Company - Daily Tip #4 - For BlackBerry Users- 12seconds.tvHere it is.. http://tiny12.tv/Q2X8R If you're not quite up to speed on what's new in the Land o' BlackBerry, then listen up. http://www.blackberry.com is offering a new Application Download Program and it's pretty cool. Latest social networking tools, financial software, games, gps software, etc.. it's all there. You have two options here: (1) Download through your BB by going to http://www.blackberry.com or (2) Download to BB by way of your desktop computer. Visit same address and plug in your BB like you're planning to sync it. That simple. Just a word to the wise.. this program will shut your BB down for about 5 mins while going through the whole install process so make sure you're not waiting for something important while you're updating your device. Enjoy!