A godly new trailer that makes us want the game that much more. - Courtesy of GameTrailers.com.
A whole ton of very cool demon-slaying and spiffy moves.
New trailer for Clive Barker's Jericho displaying the features of the character Frank Delgado, a member of the squad.
Clive Barker's Jericho is set to release on October 23rd for Xbox 360, Games for Windows and PS3.
A new trailer for Juiced 2 including developer commentary on the new and improved features of the game. It comes out September 28th for the Xbox 360, PS2 and Nintendo DS, as well as October 10th for the PS3, PSP and PC.
Honey and sybil are back in their latest adventure, this time honey takes the role of the most famous wizard ever!!! Honey Potter is currently in production and a new trailer should be up by october!
This is a fun family friendly movie suitable for all ages.
More coming soon!
Friday the EG folks will head to EA to check out Metal of Honor Airborne. We take a look at the new trailer and discuss its impact on WW2 FPSs. Finally, djWHEAT rips apart the rumored Gears of War Golf, and a user writes in about what developers think about the Wii.