I Have a Dream - Find ObamaCitizen Kate begs, borrows and steals day passes to Invesco Park the day of Barack’s big acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention, and she has a dream to meet Obama.
I did it. I got big media passes to Invesco park. Finally, I’ve made it. Okay. So it’s just for the afternoon, but I’m sure that I’m going to meet Barack Obama.
I was empowered by my yoga sharma in the Huffington Oasis of The Big Tent to attract what I need to actually make this happen. She told me breath and envision it. I can see it now. Obama and me talking.
I hung out at the tunnel where he’s sure to enter. I found Tom Brokaw, Al Gore, and descendants of Martin Luther King. If only they’ll tell me where I can find Obama...
Note to self: You can have a dream in politics, but without the support of others, it will go nowhere.