Web2Mayhem, Part 6: Syndicate Kahuna Blog Networkhttp://RichQuickReview.com/
This video is part of my series about Web2Mayhem. Web 2 Mayhem is a comprehensive search engine optimization system which includes many different tools and features that help you promote your website or blog. Among the features are automatic submission tools for distributing articles, video was and podcasts to many different online directories, article sites and video sharing sites.
This video is about the so-called Syndicate Kahuna, which is a blog-network work that is part of the Web2Mayhem system. Syndicate Kahuna allows you to post articles to many different related blogs. In a sense, it works a bit like submitting articles to a article directory, with their defense that for the blog network, there aren't as many restrictions concerning your content.
Most importantly, you are allowed to include text links with in the main body text of the articles you submit to the blog network.
In this video I talk about the potential Syndicate Kahuna offers also tell you why it ...