Tales of Rebirth (subbed) Battle Quotes: Part 2This is just a higher quality version of the one I have on Youtube (cursed MB limit!). Kind of experimenting with Veoh here, so I'm just gonna cut & paste my descriptions from Youtube for now.
Here it is, the rest of the quotes and their variations! I dug through the sound test, so this should be all of them (although the ToR Wiki lists a couple more, but they might have been added by mistake because they ain't in the sound test).
Anyway, there are about 3 quotes that I honestly just had to guess on because I either couldn't find them in the dictionary or I couldn't understand what was being said (they talk too fast, dagnabbit!). So yeah, grain of salt and all that jazz.
And if anyone's curious to know...I had to fight about 400 battles to get all of these (I'm severely overleveled now too O_o). So yeah, you can imagine how happy I was when I got the last one. ^^