Beautiful - Original - LRRGI made this song for my son.
I've put a lot of instruments in this song. I programmed everything in Reason (drums, bass, organ, some synth thingie). Then I recorded two regular guitars you see me playing, plus I added some clean guitar you can hardly hear in the chorus parts (didn't videotape that, pretty boring to see). I recorded the vocals live while playing the guitar, then I added one more vocal track exactly the same as the first so you get that nice effect you can never accomplish with any mechanical effect. In the chorus I also added high harmony vocals and in the bridge some ooooo's.
When I started mixing it I felt something was missing, so in the chorus I added one more loud distorted guitar. Gives it more punch.
I put some pics and videos of my son in there. He loves playing the drums on Rockband. By accident I had some video of him banging away in the same beat as this song so I put that in there.