Real Estate TurbulenceSelling your home is like taking an Airline flight cross country. When you start on your trip you have no idea how your trip will go. Neither does your pilot. You could run into 50 different types of turbulence, or you could have a smooth flight and land on time. Certainly the pilot will try to use his or her experience to navigate around storms and go for the smoothest flight plan, but if they're honest, they can't promise a turbulence free trip. Their job is simply to get you to your destination in the least time and with the least amount of aggravation while keeping you informed throughout the trip.
As your personal Real Estate Consultant, I see myself as the pilot of your plane. My job is to assist you in getting your real estate sold for the most money, in the least time, with the least aggravation. I can't promise you no turbulence, but I can promise that I'll utilitze my experience and expertise to take you on the smoothest flight that I can. And if we do hit turbulence I won't bail out on you. I'll be your teammate throughout the flight until we get you safely to your destination. I'm Donna Bishop Jones & Co Realty Cape Coral Fl. 560-3149 thanks for watching that's all folks.