Jesus Potter Harry Christ Book Trailer: ** Rowling and the historical JesusDownload first 4 chapters FREE: The ground-breaking new book Jesus Potter Harry Christ explores the roots of the religious controversy surrounding the Harry Potter series, traces the intriguing similarities between Jesus and Harry, and reveals astonishing secrets of Christian history. How and why Jesus Christ, who is traditionally considered a historical figure, shares anything in common with the modern re-telling of ancient folklore that emerges in the character of Harry Potter, is the basis for this innovative investigation. Jesus Potter Harry Christ is a well-reasoned and meticulously referenced (but not overly academic) treatise on religious history, comparative mythology, astrological symbolism, and contemporary culture that establishes the critical relevancy and importance of the literary Jesus. About the Author: Derek Murphy is a writer and artist from Portland, Oregon, whose interest in Christian history began as a theology student on the Mediterranean island of Malta. He's now in Taiwan finishing his PhD in Comparative Literature and working on his second book. Start Reading Today: