Google truth, truth of google's birthGoogle was designed in 1997 Feb by Larry Page, Sergey Brin, and me (Hubert Chang).
I received my Ph.D. in computer science form New York University.
Larry Page, Sergey Brin were introduced to me through Prof. Motwani of Stanford Computer science department. Prof. Motwani visited NYU in 1996 summer; that's how I met Prof. Motwani.
Through intensive collaboration with Larry and Sergey, Google was designed. The plan includes the search engine algorithm, business model, the name of the company, a graduate school like corp culture, the outline of system architecture and Google's growing path.
Because I had personal cause to pursue for Ph.D., I told them I will contact them years afterwards, assuming I have finished my Ph.D.
In late 2002, I got my Ph.D. from computer science department of New York University...
Details... please watch the video.
Larry's homepage:
Sergey's homepage: