3 artistic solutions from 3 overpopulated countries"Overpopultion is a big problem. The idea is to create 3 short films, with the help of three overpopulated countries in Latin America, cointaining creative ideas about how to solve this matter. Fictional or impossible as these ideas can be, they could also help our overcrowded world... at an artistical level at the very least!" For Pull and Bear World Project! Please, after watching it, vote on http://www.pullandbear.com/theworldproject/proyecto/lux-1 You have to register first, but is so easy and quick (less than 5 minutes) Music credits: Electric Ladder (c) No More Heroes Original Soundtrack- Masafumi Takada Zero (c) Code Geass Hangyaku no Lelouch OST 1- Nakagawa Kotaro. Img/video credits and edition (c) Maria Conchita Diaz, Andrea Ramirez.