Roll Kraft CUT OFF (POST PUNCH)From small 5 ton to large 100-ton capacity, Ardcor builds them all. Ardcor's advanced engineering gives every model accuracy, strength, dependability, design and construction to withstand the constant stroking required of today's high speed automatic roll forming and metal working operations. We build machines used for cutoff, prenotch, piercing and embossing. From the beginning to the end of your roll forming line, it pays to make Ardcor your source for completely integrated metal processing equipment. Ardcor equipment is designed to last. This means lower long term costs, improved productivity and increased profits.
Typical Applications:
Roll Form and Tube Mill Production Lines
Cutoff and Forming
Flying Cutoff
Pre-punching and Pre-notching
Post-punching and Post-notching
Standard Features:
Normal Shop Air Supply Provides Ample Power (110-volt electrical supply needed to energize controls only).
Independently Adjustable Length of Stroke and Speed of Stroke.