MLK Day in Seattle: Larry Gossett , Lt. Ehren Watada and many others...MLK Day in Seattle is always big. This year Lt. Ehren Watada spoke to an enthusiastic crowd, who gave him a standing ovation before and after he spoke. Before the Lt. spoke, King County Councilman Larry Gossett addressed the crowd, telling of the time when he was in high-school, going to Franklin HS, where this year's rally was taking place. Gossett recounted how the Black Student Union held a 1968 sit-down protest at the school after the Principal sent 2 Black female students home because they wore their hair in afros. They were instructed to not come back until they "looked lady-like." Gossett told the story to point out how far the school had come. Another lesson could be that he went to jail for justice in 1968, but it certainly did not ruin his life. Lt. Watada faces jail time and much has been said of how it will ruin his life. Not true!
Pepperspray Productions formed shortly after the WTO protests in Seattle, in response to the Independent Media Center's c...