Youtube is crumbling! New rebellion against Google REUOLOAD JamesDaice on YouTubeEver since Google bought out Youtube in 2008, smaller independent channel exposure has been shrinking more than ever. They are trying to turn this into a FaceBook with videos. The front page is all you need to see to realize most of this site has been ruined. There are nothing but advertisements, Vevo music videos, and short TV show scenes or mainstream videos. Almost never do you see smaller channel's videos on the front page. This site is one of the only places a small independent channel can make their own market, and it is being trashed by powerful companies. Join my rebellion to show our anger towards Google and all of the things they have done to us smaller users. FEEL FREE TO DOWNLOD, AND REUPLOAD THIS VIDEO TO SPREAD THE WORD! WE WILL GET TO THEM EVENTUALLY! BUT WE MUST BAND TOGETHER OR IT WILL NEVER WORK!