The Dark Vault of Public Domain Webisode #1 Season #2Welcome to the first installment in THE DARK VAULT OF PUBLIC DOMAIN's second season of internet-exclusive webisodes!
January 2008 is Flash Gordon month on our webisodes and we've culled some of the best episodes from the 1950s television version of Alex Raymond's sci fi swashbuckler.
Special guest "host," The VitoGold9000, welcomes viewers to the first webisode of 2008.
Rare public domain music clips, cartoons, trailers and other madness and mayhem can be found in THE DARK VAULT OF PUBLIC DOMAIN's webisodes.
We are slowly migrating to Stage6 (google "Stage 6 Divx") and if you would prefer a high quality download of this file (or any future DVOPD TV episodes and webisodes) we encourage you to look for us there.