Old TV Show Interview: US Senator Owen Brewster on CommunismIn this episode of the Longines Chronoscope, the senior senator from Maine, Owen Brewster, discusses relations with Spain, the upcoming presidential elections, McCarthyism, and his role in the senate confirmation hearings for the UN delegates in October of 1951. Brewster believes that good relations with Spain are key to maintaining a strong military presence in the Mediterranean region. He complains that White House opposition to his plans stem from the “emotional” arguments that Franco’s regime is unsavory. He defends his choice against confirming Dr. Jessup as a UN delegate by citing Jessup’s “lack of candor” in admitting to the charges brought against him by McCarthy and Mr. Stassen, the president of the University of Pennsylvania. He then goes on to plug Senator Taft for the White House over Truman, and states that the most important issues of the upcoming campaign will be “confusion, corruption, and communism.” See the full length: www.qualityinformationpublishers.com