PIONEER CDJ-400 Native Mode Control for Rane Serato Scratch LIVE Demo 866-PRO-MIXX (776-6499) DJ Ty shows us ow Native Control work on Serato Scratch LIVE using the Pioneer CDJ-400.
Native control for Serato Scratch LIVE means - NO TIMECODE! You connect your controller to the computer with a USB cable and you no longer have to use timecode. You still must use some type of Scratch LIVE hardware - SL1, SL3, MP4 or TTM57SL.
You get 2 direction communication between the Pioneer CDJ-400 and Serato Scratch LIVE. This shows track info on the CDJ-400 screen, plus BPM and you can use the loop in or out buttons to set loops on the fly - there's a visual representation on the screen of the loop you just set on the hardware - something that could only be done before with the mouse, keyboard or a MIDI controller, recently.
Native mode control is awesome for Scratch LIVE - why not choose one of the most reputable and well built CD Players on the market for it. The Pioneer CDJ-400 is one of our favorite Scratch LIVE controllers.
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