BYTI – EXISTENCE – A Philosophy for Life in ImagesThis animated film graphically portrays the basic ideas of the philosophy of Existence for life, the author of which is Josef Zezulka, a Czech philosopher and biotronic healer. It may be a suitable brief introduction to this philosophy, for a better understanding of the thoughts presented. The film attempts to show that regardless of the serious nature of the topic, philosophy can be playful, colourful and humorous. A smile can take you a long way. (
1 - The Podstata and the Origin of the Creative Work
2 - Name
3 - Rhythm of Life
4 - Life of the Universe
5 - Development of Being
6 - Creation of the Primary Being
7 - Reincarnation
8 - Four Zodiac Eras
9 - Fate
10 - Composition of Being
11 - Balance
12 - Symbol of a Spiritual Path
13 - Path of the Being
14 - Sense of life
15 - Nature
16 - How the Spiritual Teachings Come to the World